Monday, June 02, 2014

why the parsha of sotah followed by the parsha of nazir belong in Naso

While on the topic of the Ralbag, let me mention his beautiful explanation of why the parsha of sotah followed by the parsha of nazir belong here in Naso.  The parsha of Bamidbar and the beginning of Naso focus on the arrangement of the machaneh – who camps where, what everyone’s job is.  The Torah wants to establish order on the macro- level to ensure a peaceful society.  The parsha then turns to the micro- level, to the family, to establishing peace between husband and wife through the pasha of sotah.  Finally, the parsha zeroes in on the individual, the person torn between his role as a regular individual who must deal with mundane life, yet someone who desires spiritual growth and closeness to G-d akin to the kohen or levi.

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