Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Oh Canada - Prime Minister Harper's speech to Knesset

Here is a link to the speech the P.M. of Canada gave before the Knesset, which is worth reading in its entirety.  So rare is it these days to hear a leader who "get's it,"  who understands why it is important to stand with Israel and who sees through the lies spread about our country and our people.  It's not just about strategic alliances or technological benefits.  "Let me repeat that: Canada supports Israel fundamentally because it is right to do so."  Sadly, I doubt we will ever hear a speech like this from the current occupant of the White House or the Secretary of State.

"And so we either we stand up for our values and our interests here, in Israel, stand up for the existence of a free, democratic and distinctively Jewish state, or the retreat of our values and our interests in the world will begin."

Thank you Prime Mininster Harper.

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